Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I Sold My Art

It's been a while since i have made a post. A lot has been going on for me.

However, i did one to share with you that i sold some of my art!

I was contacted, a couple of months ago by a company who is just starting out, who found me on google. This company is run by stay at home moms, who are trying to to well, make the moolah, So they contacted me, and wanted to use one of my images for their brand. I am tickled to say that the deal went thru, and i was able to create them an image for their blog, business cards, bookmarks, and a banner. They were just as happy as could be with their finished products.

Visit their site below:

Thursday, November 5, 2009

4 New Freebies

As promised... here are some new fun freebies. All Items/Scrap Kits were created by me on November 5, 2009, Using PaintShop Pro X.

Freebie Christmas Wreath Grab Bag:


In Memory Of Charles Schultz Freebie Peanuts Mini Kit
"It's Gonna Be A Tough Christmas Charlie Brown"


Freebie Mini Scrap Kit "Fly Me To The Moon"


Freebie Mini Scrap Kit "This Little House"


Friday, October 30, 2009

A Donation To TheZoneGroups

Here is a preview of the Freebie Christmas Kit that i have donated to TheZoneGroups
Which will be available soon and only at TheZone!

I'm A Winner

Well, I have been working on quite a few things...
The above image of the Peanuts Gang was created by me using Paintshop Pro X in Vector.
This is just a small preview and hint, of what freebies are coming up for my blog.

Also I am happy to announce that in the past couple of weeks I have
entered into a few contests over at MPT
And i was a winner in all 3. See below for details:

MYPSPTUBES held Friends Week a couple of weeks back, well, I enjoyed that week
emencely. They had a fabulous deal that i could not pass up. Buy some Tubes/scrap kits and share 1/2 of what you bought with friends...
I was able to gift out 7 tubes and 2 scrap kits to my friends over at
PaintedSeasonsPSP I even made a fun post out of it.

I also entered into the MPT Friends Week Contest.
Not sure what place i got, but i was a winner lol! I created this tag using only vector, fonts, and a mask. Below is my entry into that fabulous contest:

The next contest i entered( last week) was the MPT Halloween Contest. I had this fantastic tube by Michael Calandra and a wonderful kit by JaelopDesigns called Black Night that i had been dying to use. The city background is from a template from Kirsty found at Misfitscraps. So below is the 5th place winning tag i entered.

Finally the last contest i entered was from MPT this week and featuring Jeff Wilkie Art.
Below is the tag i created. The scrap kit I use is also from MPT by Saskia Scraps called Beauty Of the Night I purchased this During Friends week, and thought it was very fitting to use with Jeff's art. I am happy to announce I placed 1st in this contest! Woohoo!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Announcement: Winner

I am so happy to announce that the winner of the Stalker Chat Box contest is....
drum roll please........

Congratulations Sue, your gift certificate has been sent from AMI!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Contest Now Closed

Hello all and THANK YOU to all those that entered my contest.
Below are the entries that were accepted. And as you will see
there were a lot of very colourful submissions. I love what each
and every one of you created.











The winner will be notified by email and as soon as it's confirmed, i will let everyone know which tag it was. Remember this was a random draw so each and every one of you have the same chance! Best of luck to you all & remember... look for my email!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Another New Template

Hello Again, I have been inspired to create yet another template.

One of the entries in my Stalker Contest sent me a stalker chat box created with Gorjuss Girls.I thought it was just adorable! So, Rachel, you have inspired me to create a template for your Gorjuss Girls..... This one's for you.

Download PSD HERE
Download PSP HERE

2 New Templates

Yep those creative juices sure are flowing... here are a couple more templates for you.

Feed Your Addiction PSD
Feed Your Addiction PSP

Super Star PSD
Super Star PSP

Monday, September 7, 2009

Freebie Scrapkit: Missing Dream

Hello Friends, I just managed to finish up yet another goodie for everyone. Yep, i have really been getting creative. This is just a small scrap kit with about 35 elements , 2 wordart, and 4 papers. Sorry my preview is such a mess. I just hate making them lol.

Just a reminder I have a chat box over on the right if you need immediate attention! I check it often!

Download PSD format here
Download PSP format here
(created formats with PSPX)

Friday, September 4, 2009

New Tutorial "Unleash Me" & Freebie Template

As promised here is my new quick tut and template...

Unleash Me

Written by me as we speak lol... on September 4th of 2009
any similarities to any other tutorial is just plain crazy.

Artwork ©Ismael Rac www.xeracx.com
Use with license from: ArtisticMinds, Inc
Created With: Paintshop Pro X


Download template HERE
(Included in template: is everything seen except the tube of course and whats mentioned below.)

1 brush/wordart of choice

2 papers of choice (Hearts in frames are included in template)
font of choice
2 or more tubes created by the same artist
(I used Capricorn and Pretty Tracy)

No outside filters needed.

Let's Begin!

Open your template in PSP.
Close out my blog info.
Get out your tube choice, and 2 paper choices.

Activate layer 12 of the template and using your magic wand click on layer 12 and go to selections > modify expand > by 1. Copy your 1st paper and then paste into that selection by holding ctlr + shift + L on your keyboard.
Next go to selections>select none.

Repeat the above step for layer 11 of the template.

Next activate layer 10 and colorize it by holding down shift + L on your keyboard and select a color of choice. Next lets add some texture to layer 10 by going to Effects> Texture Effects> Blinds now apply following settings: width 3, color black, opacity 100, horizontal unchecked, light from top left checked.
Repeat the above steps for layer 1 also.

Next we're on to layer 9 and your brush/wordart. Colorize this layer, add a paper here, use your brushes, texturize, add a little bling. I pretty much left this blank purposely for you to add your own touches here.

Next on to the frames (layers 2, 4, 6). Now here you can play too. On my tag i just made all the frames black. To do this hit shift + H at the same time and lower your saturation to 0 and you lightness to -100. Free free to add some color or texture to these if you wish.

Now the frame backgrounds (layers 3, 5, 7 ) now here i have included the hearts, but if you wish you may choose something different. I chose to colorize my hearts. To do this hold shift + L on your keyboard and pick an appropriate color.

Now Open your girls.
Well be working with the one in the picture frames. Duplicate her 3 ti
mes, arrange and
resize all 3 so she fits nicely into each of the frames
(i don't want to give exacts here because not all tubes are the same dimensions)
Crop out all of the excess hanging outside the frame by clicking on each frame layer and with your magic wand click inside the frame, then go to selections> Modify> expand by 2. Then click on the girl with that appropriate frame and hold down ctlr + shift + I on your keyboard to invert the selection then press ctlr + X to remove the excess.
Do this for all 3 girls.

Next add your words.
I added the phrase "Unleash Your Inner Stalker". Feel free to use it.
Also add your name and your copyright information here.

Now that we have created your tag. It's time to add dropshadows to each of the layers.
You may choose your own settings here as well, or use the same ones i did.
My settings: Vertical +4, Horizonal -2, Opacity 60, Blur 10. Add this to all layers except your copyright layer.

Merge all visible and add a mask of choice if wanted.

Waaaahlaaa! you have now finished! Congratulations!

Below is one more example of what can be done with template:

Creatively Speaking

Well, I have been feeling very creative & unleashing my inner stalker this week, revealing my new Stalker Chat tutorial on Sept 1st. Oh i just can't tell you how excited everyone has gotten me about that tag! It has inspired me to revamp my entire blog! Which i have to say i think looks rather delicious. I also added a bonus to my Stalker Chat Tut for those of you who have not saw it yet, and i am quite surprised to see no one has emailed me their tags yet. I thought with all the new tube releases Ismael has been pumping out every week my mailbox would be full. I know it's only one tube, but hey one less you guys have to pay for right? Anyway I have also created a new freebie template & quick stalker tut. They will be in my next post.
So that's so much for my creativeness for now.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New Tut: Stalker Chat

Have you seen the below tag posted around and thought,
"OMG i gotta have it!"
Well, here's your chance to create your very own Stalking Chat Box!


I am holding my own personal contest.
One person from those that EMAIL ME their tags will be chosen randomly
to receive ONE FREE TUBE of choice from Ismael Rac's tube collection over at ArtisticMinds,Inc.
(be sure to remember to attach your tags!)
This contest will only be opened until Wednesday September 9, 2009.
I will notify the winner by email on Thursday September 10,2009.
(Numbers assigned to each individual as emails are received and then will be thrown into a hat and one name drawn.) You may only enter ONE time.

This tutorial has been created by me, Bwitchen, on September 1, 2009
any similarities to any other tutorial is just dumb luck.

Tube Information: ©Ismael Rac www.xeracx.com
Purchased and used with a license from AMI.

As ALWAYS please be copyright compliant when using this or others tutorials.

Supplies need:

Paintshop Pro ( any version will work)
Animationshop 3

8 to 10 Tubes of Choice created by the same artist
3 or 4 fonts of choice
Mask of Choice
My Chat Box (In Grey Scale)
My Chat Box (Grey Scale No Words)

***Please note, you can choose to use as many or as little options as possible. Feel free to use your own creativity to make this tutorial your own. This tutorial is merely a guideline, and does not have to be followed to a T.

Okay lets get crackalackin!


1. Open a new image 700 by 500

2. Open your chat box. copy & paste into your new image.

3. Colourize your chat box to a color of choice by clicking shift + L, and
adding your colour.

4. Now open your tubes.

5. Choose 2 tubes and copy and paste them as new layers to your image.

6. Move them to the left & right sides of your chat box.

7. Lighten the transparency down to 35.

8. make the chat box layer active, and using your magic wand click outside the box. Go to selections and invert. Then activate the layer with the girls and choose selections invert again, and remove the parts of the girls hanging over.

9. Using your magic wand (with these settings add> RGB value> tolerance 0> contiguous checked > feather 1) click on all the empty parts of the chatbox
( message areas & user photo areas) then go to edit & cut those parts out.

Now Adding Icons

Open 5 images of the same artist.

10. a. Copy one tube and paste it as a new layer
b. cut and resize it ( i resized to 12 %) so it fits over top of one of the words at the top of the chat box
(Invite, stalk, video, voice and games)
c. add a slight drop shadow of: 0, 0, 79, 17.

11. repeat step 10a thru 10c until all the words have used all 5 icons above all the words.

Adding "your Photo"

Okay, here you can play a little, you can either choose a tube or a tag to put in your photo box
(the top little square)

12a. If choosing tube: copy & paste your tube as a new layer... resize it so it fits how you would like it inside of the box. Now activate the chat box layer and with your magic wand (same setting as before) click the photo box. Now activate your tube, and invert the selection and cut off all excess. Now your "photo" is finished.

12 b. If choosing a tag: Open your tag & copy it. Activate the chat box layer & click inside the photo box... now add a new layer and paste your tag into the selection.

The Bottom Photo box

13. Here too you can play around. You can add another photo, or insert text just as i did.
To add a photo or tag repeat steps 12a & 12b.

The Chat Box

14. Here i used the font Tahoma size 8. This is where your creativity really comes in.
What conversation would you have with your artist? I am all about informing people how easy it is to communicate with the artists, and letting them know that they may email them with their ideas. It's a great way not only to show your support of the artist, but allow others to learn about how to contact them. You may feel free to copy my chat, or create your own. It's totally up to you.

Adding your Bling

15. Now what kinda chat box do you like... i added bling to mine, by adding the checker boarding & hearts. Be creative here too. I have left the top line & bottom line of the chat box blank for you to add your images and whatnot's here.

16. Add your copyright info (not your name) & make it visible. Who wants to strain to see the info? Not me. My eyesight is weak, and copyright info should be able to be read by all! Be proud of your artist & show it!

17. Merge all your visible layers.

18. Add a new layer and send it to the bottom. Flood fill with white.
Duplicate it once, then flood fill with a colour of choosing.

19. Choose your mask & merge the group.

20. Once again merge visible. Duplicate this once & hide bottom layer.

21. Now add your warning text at the top of the chat box. Convert to raster, and merge with the layer below it.

22. Add Main Girl... and add a slight dropshadow of choosing.

23. Add your name. Duplicate twice. Merge one copy with each of the layers.


24. Open animation shop and copy each of the layers over. Pasting the 2nd one after the 1st one.

25. Now click on frame 1 and press ctlr & A at the same time to select all.

26. Now press alt & enter at the same time to open your frame properties, and adjust your frame settings to 40.

27. Review your animation. Once satisfied, save it!

Your done!


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

New Tubes:Down On The Farm

Creatively Speaking I've been in a so so mood. I have however come up with some items
you might find useful. Here are some Farm items.
All are in PNG format, so just click to enlarge then right click to save.

New Wordart

I have 5 new Word Art for you today.
I hope you can find some uses for them.
All are in PNG format.
Just click image to enlarge and right click to save.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

New Animated Tutorial: Underwater Beauty

(click image to view full image)

This tutorial was written by me on
July 25,2009
any similarities to any other tutorial is completely coincidental.

Was written in Paintshop Pro X & Animationshop
Prior knowledge of these programs are helpful.


I am using the artwork of Myka Jelina
and it has been purchased & used with a license from CILM

My Supplies Here

Included in my supplies:
Template by me
Fish & Bubble animation gif's
Wordart By Me
Gold Fill Sand By Me
Seaweed & Seagrass may be downloaded from OutlawByDesign

Not included: Water background of choice (i created my own)

Let's Begin

Open all supplies.

Open a new image 700 by 400.
Flood fill with white.
Copy & paste my template.
Click on the gray area using the magic wand, expand by one & promote section to layer.
Open your background choice, and paste into selection.

Selections>select none

Back on the template layer, using your magic wand, click on the outside of the template where there is no image. Invert, press shift & H on your keyboard, and move the slider either up to white or down to black, to make the template all one color then flood fill with the gold fill sand.

Selections>Select none

Copy and paste your sea grass & seaweed tubes. Recolor & resize to fit appropriately.
First add your grass to the left, add a drop shadow of 1, 1, 86, 3
Repeat again for both seaweed.
Place the larger seaweed on top of the grass, then add the smaller on top of that.
Merge the grass and seaweeds together. Duplicate & mirror.

Add your wordart. Placing it so it just covers the seaweed/grass, and the edge of your "aquarium" at the bottom. Add a drop shadow of 1, 1, 86, 3
Add you copyright info here.

Add your tube just on top of the word art add a drop shadow of 1, 1, 86, 10

Close out the following layers the white background & the two pieces of template, so that you are left with the tube/seaweed/sea grass/word art/copyright info. Merge all of these layers together.

You should have 4 layers so far:

The tube/seaweeds/word art
template layer 1
template layer 2
white background

Animation Shop

Copy and paste each individual layer over to animation shop as a new animation for each.
Duplicate both template layers 1 and 2 and the white background until you have a total of 15.

Now select all on template 2 and the white background. Now
drag template 2 over to the white background and place in the center.

Open your fish & bubbles

Now click on the 1st box of each of the fish/bubbles/and template 1 choose select all

On your template layer 1 add your fish and bubbles as you wish, by clicking and holding, then dragging to the template 1 layer.
Be sure your bubbles rise to the top but not over the edge.
To add more of each, just click on that item and undo, then repeat each step.

Set your frame speed at 20.

Click on your tube/word art/seaweed/copyright info then go to edit and choose propagate paste and drag that layer over to your underwater scene.

View your Animation here

Once you are satisfied, add your name, and save!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Otakon '09 Baltimore Convention Center Artists

While visiting Otakon this year, i must say creatively speaking it was a fantastic way to spend the weekend with my kids. Not only did they enjoy themselves, i did also. I must say though my favorite part was Artist Alley. As i made my way through all of the creatures, elves, gundams, and Naruto fans i was in awe and wonder of all the wonderfully created art that was in front of me.

I managed to pick up quite a haul in Artist Alley, not only of artwork from various artists, i also purchased a commission of my daughter, and a book from Deviant Art called "Mugeno".

All in all it was an awesome experience and i would like to the time to thank all of the artist that were there offering up their creations at such small prices.

Here is where i will be listing all of the artists i found at the convention... or at least those that had business cards or gave me their sites....

It's really worth checking out all the wonderful art by these artists!

Deathful Studios art of Iris Chen
The Alatus Institute
All The Small Things Kasandra Callalily
Paint Pixel Productions illustrations by Annie Hill
Kathemo Kathemo/B-Kitten
Aborted Creativity (includes the below 4 artists also)
Richard Tang
Phillip Kwok
Matt Bellamy
Eli Mintzer
Shadow Child Studios Paul Jacouino
Jessica Regenbrecht Comics and Illustration
Danielle Dernoga Digital Artist
Hans Tseng Illustrator and Comic Artist
Gina Tingas Freelance Artist
Sin Comix Tasha & Ivory M. Cartoonists/illustrators/designers
Allison Strejlau (deviant) (blogspot)
Allison Henderson Illustrator/Artist
Dan Howard (deviantart)
Schin Hern Loong Illustation
MIYA from SUBTEXT Studio
Fake Radish Studios Jesse Davis Illustrator/Art Instructor (deviantart)
Ninja Consultant a podcast about anime, manga, and ninjas
Del Borovic freelance/illustration/comics/design (deviantart)
Video Game Zombies
Jonathan Hoffman (deviantart)
Raydiant by Raymund Anlocotan Freelance Illustrator
Alyssa Few Digital Art & Illustrator
Kyocs- freelance Artist
Emily Hu Artist (deviantart)
William "s2k/gts" Ray Artist (deviantart)
Ashley Mckenzie Illustration & Graphic Design (deviantart)
Kuroi Tenshi Freelance Artist/ Manga Artist (deviantart)
The Devils Panties Online Comic Strip It's Not Satanic Porn Honest!
Nightambre Studios Artist/commissions (deviantart)
Alexandria Bustion Illustration/animation/vinyl toys (blogspot) (deviantart)
Yamiko Michi Artist/traditional/commissions (deviantart)
Kathie Soto (deviantart 1) (deviantart 2)
Kevin Yan Freelance Fantasy Art (blogspot) (deviantart)
Jinny Liang Freelance artist/commissions (blogspot) (deviantart)

I will be adding many more to this list as i have hundreds of cards.
Please bare with me and keep checking back for updates.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Otakon 09 Baltimore's 16th Annual Anime Convention

This year i took my son & daughter to Baltimore Maryland for the 16th annual Otakon Anime Convention.

Here is a slide show of over 190 photo's i took.
To preview more, stop by my photobucket:

Please if you see yourself in any of these photo's leave me a note or email me at: Bwitchen@gmail.com so i can add your name to the photo.

Monday, July 13, 2009

New Word Art

Well, i have been trying to catch up lately with my creative side.
Here is a new wordart i just created.

(click the pic to enlarge, then right click to save and save as...)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

New Tutorial

(click to view full photo)

He Thinks My Tractors Sexy
This tutorial was written by me on July 8,2009
any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental.


Paintshop Pro. I used PSP X & Animation Shop

A prior knowledge base for each of these programs helpful.

Tube Of Choice: I used Scott Tolleson's Tractor Girl
Purchased at CILM and used with a license.
Scott is no longer a member of CILM.
Please see his website for information on his tubes.

My Template & Supplies found HERE
(includes template, sheep, grass, chain, wordart)

Font Of Choice

Let's Begin:

1. Open up all supplies in psp.

2. we will be using template: Bwitchen_Template_SexyTractor
this is pre-sized for a nice sized tag of about 600 x 400 so no
resizing should be needed.

3. erase my information from the template.

4. Click on the black section of the template using your magic wand.

5. now right click on the layers pallet and promote selection to a layer.
(Be sure to keep your marching ants on for the next few steps.)

6. next adjust the hue of the black layer to a lighter gray by clicking shift+H on your keyboard.

7. Add your color to your background I used html #fde01d
(feel free to substitute a color for a background of choice, if you do this skip step 8)

8. now add some noise by going to adjust> add/remove noise> add noise> settings: Gaussian & Monochrome checked 20%

9. now invert your selection and repeat step 8 same settings only this time add 50% noise.

10. now we will darken the frame by clicking shift+H on your keyboard, settings satuation zero lightness -44.

11. go to selections> select none

12. now go to the supplies, and cut out the grass and paste it as a new layer.

13. next press K on your keyboard and rotate the grass so it is even with the frame if it is hanging over that's okay, we will be "mowing" it in the next step.

14. click on your 2nd layer (the yellow background) selections> select all> float> defloat then click on the grass layer and choose selections>invert
and "Mow" or cut your grass.

15. now add your tube. Place it to the left of the tag. add a drop shadow of choice i used -4, 2, 14, 5

16. Now add your tube. I used Scott Tolleson's Tractor Girl. Place it just to the left of the tag, and add a dropshadow -4, 2, 14, 5

17. Add your sheep. Use the ones with the eyes open. Place them where ever you like, and add a drop shadow of -4, 2, 14, 5

18. Add your Tractor word art at the top of the tag, and add a drop shadow to it also of -4, 2, 14, 5

19. Merge all layers, and duplicate 3 times.

20. Go back to your sheep and use your dropper tool to extract the face color,
and "paint" your eyes so they are not visible, on one sheep.

21. Repeat step 20 for each layer, choosing a different sheep each layer.

22. Now grab your swinging sexy wordart. Place it just under the 2nd "T" in tractor, and duplicate twice.

23. Hide your 1st copy of the swinging sexy layer. and choose the 2nd one, now press "k" on your keyboard and rotate it to the right just a little. reopen the 1st copy and move below the 2nd copy. Click the 2nd copy and move it over so that the top of the chain on the 2nd copy lines up with the one on the 1st copy. Hide both copies..

Unhide your 3rd copy of the swinging sexy layer. now press "k" on your keyboard and rotate it to the left just a little. Unhide the 1st copy and move the 3rd copy below the 1st copy. Click the 3rd copy and move it over so that the top of the chain on the 3rd copy lines up with the one on the 1st copy.

Now you should have... 3 copies of the sexy wordart, and 3 tag copies.

25. Unhide & merge one tag & one sexy word art together. Repeat for each wordart/tag.

26. Add your copyrights. Duplicate 3 times. Merge a copy of this on to all 3 tags.


27. Copy each tag layer over to animation shop, in this order...
sexy swinging to the left, then center, then right. Go back to PSP and copy one more copy of the centered sexy, and then go back to animation shop and paste after the last layer.

28. Click on copy 1 of the tag and click on it then preess ctlr + A on your keyboard (this while activate all layers)

29. Go to Animation> frame properties and use a setting of 26.

30. Now view your animation by clicking view>animation. Once you are satisfied,
you will n ow be ready to add your name to the tag.

31. Go back to PSP and create your name using your choice of font. Be sure to add a drop shadow of -4, 2, 14, 5.

32. Copy this layer over to animation shop and paste as a new animation.

33. Go to edit> propagate paste and add your name to the animation & save.

All finished! Now your have created your very own He Think's My Tractors Sexy animation.

Friday, June 5, 2009

My Fellow Gaians Welcome To My Banner, Blinkie & Bump Shop!

Bwitchen's Banner & Bump Shop

Offer for fellow Gaians
Above and below are just a few samples banners i have made.
I love using my art work to create, and thanks to my daughter, i get to do more of it.
I am now offering my creative services to those of you Gaian's out there, i am willing to create 100% copyright compliant banners and bumps for you.

The art work i used here and always, is used with either a
purchased license or open permission
from the artist, your own art, or even my own.

Why go copyright compliant you might ask?
Well, that answer is quite simple...
People that take the time to draw or create a piece of artwork, took a lot of time and effort to
do it, so people may enjoy it. If they allow us to use such pieces then they clearly state that.
Then why not comply? They are letting us purchase or use their artwork for FREE.

If you have any questions about copyrighted material, please feel free to visit:


Just PM me at my Gaian account with the details.

This is another tag idea that i came up with from my Leaning Kit. I still think the Ray Leaning tube i colored came out beautifully.
The background inside the teardrops are by Jon Rattenbury.
His artwork is absolutely amazing. I think this background choice gave this tag a dreamy kinda feeling.

New Kit: Leaning

20 elements, 4 papers, 1, wordart, 4 wordart frames

This was inspired by my winning MPT RayLeaning Coloring Contest entry.

To download please click below:


Please... feel free to share your creations with me & I will gladly display them.


I am so pleased to announce that i won 2nd place
in MyPSPTubes.com's Ray Leaning Coloring Contest.

As this was my first attempt at trying my hand at recoloring tubes, I must say it was alot of fun.
I enjoyed it so much that i was inspired to create a new scrap kit for everyone. This can be found in my next post. I hope everyone enjoys using it.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

These two tubes were created by me. These are actually my first hand drawn, computer colored tubes that i did. These are also the tubes i referred to previously on March 5th.

(To save these just simply click to enlarge the image then right click & choose save as. )

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

New Award

I am so happy to announce that today i received this award for being
This is truly an honor for me. Thank You very much TheZoneGroups!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Tutorial: What You Want

What You Want

Created By: Bwitchen May 25th 2009
Any similarities to any other tutorial are purely coincidental.

I am using PaintShop Pro version 12.1
but i am sure this will work with any version.
I am assuming you have a working knowledge of psp.


Tube Info: ©Barbara Jensen www.eroticartistgallery.com
Used with a license
I used ALP-6 Love Bidding Time
and V-1 Bidding Time
Both may be purchased at her above link.

My Supplies >HERE< Let's Begin

1. Open a new image 600 by 400 transparent background.
2. Open and unzip supplies.
3. Save your paper to what ever file you put your patterns in.
Everything else we will be using straight from PSP...
Unless you install your mask to a mask folder.

Okay 1st we will be making your rectangle shapes.

4. To do this with your new image open just press "G" this will open your rectangle tool for use.
Be sure you rectangle color is set to black. Draw out a thinly rectangle (see my tag for reference...the bottom image) Once drawn out go to Objects>Align>Center Of Canvas
Then right click and convert to raster.

5. Once again press G and draw out your 2nd rectangle. Set your color to gray. This one is not going to be as long and taller then the 1st one. (see my tag for reference) Once drawn out go to Objects>Align>Center Of Canvas Then right click and convert to raster.

Now that we have both rectangles, lets add a little color....

6. Click on the bottom longer rectangle layer to activate
Now remember that pattern you saved? We will be using that one.
Go to Effects>texture effects>sculpture
and find the paper labeled Bwitchen_WhatYouWant_Paper1
and apply effect with these settings....
Size: 100 Color: White Smoothness: 0
Depth: 1 Ambiance: 0 Shininess: 0
Angle: 315 Intensity: 53 Elevation: 30

7. hide this layer.

Next we will be adding your image to the top rectangle.

8. Open your tube choice and duplicate it. Hide one copy.

9. Now we will need several copies & different sizes of the same tube.
a) On the unhidden copy of your tube, resize 125% larger,
place to the right of the rectangle
(see my tag for reference)
b) duplicate once.
c) Mirror that copy.

10. Duplicate your hidden tube and unhide one copy.
This one will not be resized. Move it to the top and right of the rectangle and place her
in front of the larger tube. repeat steps 9b & 9c.

11. once again duplicate you hidden tube and move to the top.
resize this tube 85% and move to the right of the rectangle but place her just so she is peeking out behind the largest tube, and move her just below the largest tube. Repeat steps 9b & 9c.
This time move the tube on the left down just a little so her hair isn't covering the other ones mouth.

Merging tubes...

12. Hide both rectangles, and merge visible. Be sure not to unhide your main tube.
13. unhide the gray rectangle and make active, with your magic wand click on it so it has the marching ants. now click on the layer of the girls and go to Selections> Invert, and then on your keyboard click shift & delete at the same time.

14. While your girls image layer is still active & with the marching ants around it go to Selections> invert. Then go to Adjust> Softness> Soft Focus , then again click on shift & delete

15. with the marching ants still running around...Once again click on the gray rectangle to make it active, and go to selections > modify> expand 2, then click on the active layer and right-click and promote selection to layer. Now on your keyboard hit shift & H this will open up you saturation pallet... slide your lightness and saturation down to -100. Bring to the top.

16. Merging Layers Again

Now here is what you should have unhidden...
Your frame (black) on top
Your girls in the middle
Your gray rectangle on bottom

Merge all 3 layers and unhide your red rectangle.

17. Open image Bwitchen_ WhatYouWant_Swirl & Copy & paste it as a new layer.

18. Resize this 45%, duplicate, mirror image & flip, then grab one of the layers and place the open ends together to make one continuous swirl. Merge the 2 layers together, and place to the right of the top rectangle so that the edge of the swirl cuts the top corner of the bottom rectangle. Duplicate again. And flip it. Merge those two layers together.
Thank once again, duplicate them. This time mirror the image. Merge all swirl layers together.

19. Adding your wordart. Open the word art image and copy & paste it just above your top

20. Open and add your hang tag. Resize to 35% and move to the left of the tag.

so now you should have 6 layers total...

1. Your original tube layer
2. One swirl layer
3. The rectangle with the girls
4. The red rectangle
5. Wordart
6. Hang tag

Time To Add Drop Shadows

20. Your main tube image:
Vertical: -2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 47
Blur 15.84

21. Click on each of the other 5 individual layers and apply
the same drop shadow with the following settings:
Vertical: -2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 47
Blur 3

22. Now add your name with the font of your choice and apply
your drop shadow with the same settings as step 21 above.

23. Add your copyright information.

24. Merge all visible.

Adding Your Mask

25. Add a new layer, send to bottom, flood fill with color of choice.

26. Open the mask image bwitchen.blogspot_Mask1
Go to Layers> New Mask Layer From Image>look for bwitchen.blogspot_Mask1

27. Merge group. Then Merge visible. then is you wish, merge all, and save as JPG
or just merge visible and save as PNG for a transparent background.

Wahlaaaha! You have now finished.
Thank you for trying my tutorial and i hope you've not found it to difficult.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

New Tubes More Monkey Business

Yep, I've been Monkeying around some more.
This little cutie is named Annie.
She is named after my youngest sister Andrea,
we always called her Annie for short. So this one is for her.

(To download this press ctlr & click the image to open in a new window,
then choose right click and save as in your favorite folder... this file is PNG format)