Tuesday, May 26, 2009

New Award

I am so happy to announce that today i received this award for being
This is truly an honor for me. Thank You very much TheZoneGroups!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Tutorial: What You Want

What You Want

Created By: Bwitchen May 25th 2009
Any similarities to any other tutorial are purely coincidental.

I am using PaintShop Pro version 12.1
but i am sure this will work with any version.
I am assuming you have a working knowledge of psp.


Tube Info: ©Barbara Jensen www.eroticartistgallery.com
Used with a license
I used ALP-6 Love Bidding Time
and V-1 Bidding Time
Both may be purchased at her above link.

My Supplies >HERE< Let's Begin

1. Open a new image 600 by 400 transparent background.
2. Open and unzip supplies.
3. Save your paper to what ever file you put your patterns in.
Everything else we will be using straight from PSP...
Unless you install your mask to a mask folder.

Okay 1st we will be making your rectangle shapes.

4. To do this with your new image open just press "G" this will open your rectangle tool for use.
Be sure you rectangle color is set to black. Draw out a thinly rectangle (see my tag for reference...the bottom image) Once drawn out go to Objects>Align>Center Of Canvas
Then right click and convert to raster.

5. Once again press G and draw out your 2nd rectangle. Set your color to gray. This one is not going to be as long and taller then the 1st one. (see my tag for reference) Once drawn out go to Objects>Align>Center Of Canvas Then right click and convert to raster.

Now that we have both rectangles, lets add a little color....

6. Click on the bottom longer rectangle layer to activate
Now remember that pattern you saved? We will be using that one.
Go to Effects>texture effects>sculpture
and find the paper labeled Bwitchen_WhatYouWant_Paper1
and apply effect with these settings....
Size: 100 Color: White Smoothness: 0
Depth: 1 Ambiance: 0 Shininess: 0
Angle: 315 Intensity: 53 Elevation: 30

7. hide this layer.

Next we will be adding your image to the top rectangle.

8. Open your tube choice and duplicate it. Hide one copy.

9. Now we will need several copies & different sizes of the same tube.
a) On the unhidden copy of your tube, resize 125% larger,
place to the right of the rectangle
(see my tag for reference)
b) duplicate once.
c) Mirror that copy.

10. Duplicate your hidden tube and unhide one copy.
This one will not be resized. Move it to the top and right of the rectangle and place her
in front of the larger tube. repeat steps 9b & 9c.

11. once again duplicate you hidden tube and move to the top.
resize this tube 85% and move to the right of the rectangle but place her just so she is peeking out behind the largest tube, and move her just below the largest tube. Repeat steps 9b & 9c.
This time move the tube on the left down just a little so her hair isn't covering the other ones mouth.

Merging tubes...

12. Hide both rectangles, and merge visible. Be sure not to unhide your main tube.
13. unhide the gray rectangle and make active, with your magic wand click on it so it has the marching ants. now click on the layer of the girls and go to Selections> Invert, and then on your keyboard click shift & delete at the same time.

14. While your girls image layer is still active & with the marching ants around it go to Selections> invert. Then go to Adjust> Softness> Soft Focus , then again click on shift & delete

15. with the marching ants still running around...Once again click on the gray rectangle to make it active, and go to selections > modify> expand 2, then click on the active layer and right-click and promote selection to layer. Now on your keyboard hit shift & H this will open up you saturation pallet... slide your lightness and saturation down to -100. Bring to the top.

16. Merging Layers Again

Now here is what you should have unhidden...
Your frame (black) on top
Your girls in the middle
Your gray rectangle on bottom

Merge all 3 layers and unhide your red rectangle.

17. Open image Bwitchen_ WhatYouWant_Swirl & Copy & paste it as a new layer.

18. Resize this 45%, duplicate, mirror image & flip, then grab one of the layers and place the open ends together to make one continuous swirl. Merge the 2 layers together, and place to the right of the top rectangle so that the edge of the swirl cuts the top corner of the bottom rectangle. Duplicate again. And flip it. Merge those two layers together.
Thank once again, duplicate them. This time mirror the image. Merge all swirl layers together.

19. Adding your wordart. Open the word art image and copy & paste it just above your top

20. Open and add your hang tag. Resize to 35% and move to the left of the tag.

so now you should have 6 layers total...

1. Your original tube layer
2. One swirl layer
3. The rectangle with the girls
4. The red rectangle
5. Wordart
6. Hang tag

Time To Add Drop Shadows

20. Your main tube image:
Vertical: -2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 47
Blur 15.84

21. Click on each of the other 5 individual layers and apply
the same drop shadow with the following settings:
Vertical: -2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 47
Blur 3

22. Now add your name with the font of your choice and apply
your drop shadow with the same settings as step 21 above.

23. Add your copyright information.

24. Merge all visible.

Adding Your Mask

25. Add a new layer, send to bottom, flood fill with color of choice.

26. Open the mask image bwitchen.blogspot_Mask1
Go to Layers> New Mask Layer From Image>look for bwitchen.blogspot_Mask1

27. Merge group. Then Merge visible. then is you wish, merge all, and save as JPG
or just merge visible and save as PNG for a transparent background.

Wahlaaaha! You have now finished.
Thank you for trying my tutorial and i hope you've not found it to difficult.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

New Tubes More Monkey Business

Yep, I've been Monkeying around some more.
This little cutie is named Annie.
She is named after my youngest sister Andrea,
we always called her Annie for short. So this one is for her.

(To download this press ctlr & click the image to open in a new window,
then choose right click and save as in your favorite folder... this file is PNG format)

My last freebie for today, flowers for my friends... Enjoy!
(to save hold down ctlr & click on image to enlarge in a new window then right click and save in your favorite tube file...this is PNG format)

New Tubes: Monkey Business

These new tubes are from my Monkey Business line.
Here i have offered 5 different outfit to suit your needs.
Hopefully i will have more of these for everyone to gobble up soon.

(to save hold down ctlr & click on image to enlarge in a new window then right click and save in your favorite tube file...this is PNG format)

New Animal

These little monkeys are just too cute to miss out on!
(to save hold down ctlr & click on image to enlarge in a new window then right click and save in your favorite tube file...this is PNG format)

New Animal

Here's another new animal, I think it's sheepishly cute!
(to save just right click and save in your favorite tube file...this is PNG format)

Friday, May 22, 2009

New Meeble

As promised here is my newest addition to my Mebble collection. I hope everyone likes it.
(To save right click over image and choose save as "PNG")

Creatively Speaking

Well, Creatively Speaking... i have been in a monkeying around kinda mood.
I have been working hard to come up with some cutie's for everyone.
I am sure you will absolutely adore the new addition to my growing animal collection. I also created a new Mebble for those that like the others. I am still thinking on some more to add to that family of fun friends. So keep your eyes peeled cause.
I will be updating as frequently as possible.

Our new group Painted Season's PSP which use to be PSP Classic Paradise is coming along beautifully. I am loving the functionality we have there and am happy being a moderator. If you haven't checked us out yet please do so. It's definitely a fun place to hang out.
Painted Season's PSP

I also have an always list there too. The people on that list will always get a taggie from me.

American Idol Update: well i guess i called that one all wrong. Adam Lambert should have won in my own opinion, and in my heart i know he always will have been the winner. That boy sings flawlessly every single note... Not that i am hating on Kris Allen, cause that boy is cute as shit, but as soon as Allison Iraheta got the boot, i knew that Adam wasn't gonna win. It's a case of hometown boy vs bad boy, everybody wants to think they are the all American good guy, but secretly they wish they had the guts to get up there and rock that stage like Adam Lambert did.

I must say i was definitely floored by the finally of American Idol... I loved seeing Cyndi Lauper , Queen, and even Kiss with Gene Simmons' in his Guitar Hero costume even brought back memories. I was kinda disappointed though that they didn't where their original space boots, those babies were priceless!

Monday, May 11, 2009

New Tubes: Mebbles

We here is my last post for today.
I am calling them "Mebbles" as in my version of weebles by me.
Dunno what you'd use them for, but i am sure you all will come up with something.

(Just click on the image to enlarge, then right click and choose save as "PNG")

New Wordart

Click on images to enlarge then right click and save as PNG.

2 New Templates

Two new templates, a book & bird houses.
(Click on image to enlarge in a new window, then right click and save as PNG.)

More Tubes Animals & Such! Enjoy! click on image to open in a new window, then right click and save as PNG

A New Mask

Here's a new mask. This should be ready to go, just click on image to enlarge and then right click to save in your mask folder.

3 New Tubes created by Me

Well as promised, here are 3 new tubes all Paintshop Pro x2 created by me.
Creatively Speaking: these were a toughie, as i am new to creating tubes this way, and still have alot to learn about shading. Also, i definitely need a lesson in noses. they are the toughest part of the face for me. Anyway, i think these came out way more better then the ones i created
from my hand drawings last year. Hopefully i will be able to produce some more of these for you soon. I did have alot of fun making them.
"Casperella" I got my inspiration of her from Henry Peters. I love is artwork. He specializes in the Indian heritage. I am dedicating this tube to Henry. I dunno if he'll ever see it, none the less, i am still dedicating it to him. Thank you for sharing your artwork. You truly are an inspiration
"Arianna" Here inspiration comes from someone i saw on the show Tough Love. This poor girl as beautiful as she was, could not get her self together to find a man for more then 2 weeks. In the end she got kicked off the show because she just didn't wanna hear what they had to say. She just needed a good long hard look in the mirror. That could have been the best thing for her. Any way.... this is my verson of her.
"Becky"... I dunno, i don't like her at all LOL well, i like her just not her clothing. I wish i would have done something different there, and i may still do that. If i do i will post the next version of her too.

okay, that all about those tubes i feel like i can say. I hope you enjoy. Remember to read my TOU before using.

Download Below:
(click on the name of the tube you'd like to download the zip file)

Arianna Casperella Beckie

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Creative Update

So, I have been working on some new freebie elements and things. I also have some new tubes I created. I still don't know if i am happy with them or not, but they are done.
I have also been learning about painting in PSP & using warp. I have been a psp user for around 6 or more years now and still i am learning new things... it totally amazes me.

I'll get around to posting the new freebies some time this week. I am not in a rush, as we are moving our group from Paradise to Painted Seasons at Yuku. I have to say, i love the convience of the yuku/photobucket co existence. Wow has it made my life easier.

On the American Idol front we're down to the last few peeps. I must say, i called it good when i picked Allison & Adam. Yep i sure did. I may not be able to carry a tune, but I know a good voice when i hear one, and they definitely have them. I do want to say, i love Danny Gokey to, he was another i chose in the beginning when we were sitting around with the family. Something about him... he gives me goose pimples. But i do think either Allison or Adam will take it in the end. I also was glad to see Matt finally go. Yeah, he might be a cute Justin Timberlake wanna be, but he can't sing in my opinion. I hated it when he played the keyboards in the audience a few weeks back. That turned me right off of him. He i dunno, sound to karaoke for my taste. I'm just glad he's finally gone.