Friday, October 30, 2009

A Donation To TheZoneGroups

Here is a preview of the Freebie Christmas Kit that i have donated to TheZoneGroups
Which will be available soon and only at TheZone!

I'm A Winner

Well, I have been working on quite a few things...
The above image of the Peanuts Gang was created by me using Paintshop Pro X in Vector.
This is just a small preview and hint, of what freebies are coming up for my blog.

Also I am happy to announce that in the past couple of weeks I have
entered into a few contests over at MPT
And i was a winner in all 3. See below for details:

MYPSPTUBES held Friends Week a couple of weeks back, well, I enjoyed that week
emencely. They had a fabulous deal that i could not pass up. Buy some Tubes/scrap kits and share 1/2 of what you bought with friends...
I was able to gift out 7 tubes and 2 scrap kits to my friends over at
PaintedSeasonsPSP I even made a fun post out of it.

I also entered into the MPT Friends Week Contest.
Not sure what place i got, but i was a winner lol! I created this tag using only vector, fonts, and a mask. Below is my entry into that fabulous contest:

The next contest i entered( last week) was the MPT Halloween Contest. I had this fantastic tube by Michael Calandra and a wonderful kit by JaelopDesigns called Black Night that i had been dying to use. The city background is from a template from Kirsty found at Misfitscraps. So below is the 5th place winning tag i entered.

Finally the last contest i entered was from MPT this week and featuring Jeff Wilkie Art.
Below is the tag i created. The scrap kit I use is also from MPT by Saskia Scraps called Beauty Of the Night I purchased this During Friends week, and thought it was very fitting to use with Jeff's art. I am happy to announce I placed 1st in this contest! Woohoo!